วันศุกร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Chamber Music

Hello! Welcome to nat@note's Music Blog. This article is about Chamber music.
This kind of music is scored for small group of instruments from two to ten instruments, which traditionally could fit a palace chamber. Mostly three to five movements.
Sometimes sonata is included to chamber music because it have one or two instruments but sometimes not because sonata provides only performance of solo instrument.
This kind of music is born since late Baroque, supposed that it originated from sonata in that period. Later, it was developed and went to the peak in Classical. (See Sonata in my blog)


String Quartet is an example of chamber music ensemble.

1. Duo or Duet - for two instruments. Example: Piano Duet.
2. Trio - for three instruments. Example: Piano Trio, consists of piano, violin and cello.
3. Quartet - for four. Example: String Quartet, the well-known ensemble. Consists of two violins, viola and cello.
4. Quintet - for five. Example: Piano Quintet. (See Recommended songs)
5. Sextet - for six.
6. Septet - for seven.
7. Octet - for eight.
8. Nonet - for nine.
9. Decet - for ten.

Recommended songs
Piano Quinter in A major, D. 667 by Schubert - known as Trout Quintet. This song is scored for violin, viola, cello and double bass. It got this name because there is a set of theme and variations in the fourth movement on Schubert's earlier Lied* "Die Forelle" (The Trout). Five movements in this song.

* A kind of vocal song, arranged for single singer and piano.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556


Hello! Now this article is about a kind of classical song called sonata.
Sonata has two usages: 1. The most common genre are piano solo or solo instrument, such as violin or cello, accompanied with piano. This meaning began since Classical period. 2. Baroque sonata - I'll tell about this kind of this sonata in its history.
Piano is very impressive instrument: it can be played alone so that it doesn't need other instruments to accompany. This explains why violin and others instrument should be accompanied with piano. Because their sound is not impressing so much as piano.

1. First movement - Generally sonata form.
2. Second movement - Slow movement.
3. Third movement - Dance rhythm.
4. Final movement - Sonata or Rondo form.
Three-movement sonatas have not the third movement. However, most sonatas have three movements, like all concertos. I think because music contents of sonatas are not much as symphonies.

This word originated from Latin and Italian word sonare, means to sound or to played, to distinguished from vocal song, cantata (means to sing).
To be specific: Symphony is "sonata" for orchestra and concerto is "sonata" for solo instrument and orchestra.
In the early Baroque, sonata had very wide meaning: it was also applied for a variety of works for solo instrument such as keyboards, violin ,etc. and for group of instruments. No definite number of movements or music form.
Sonatas in Baroque were also divided to two kind: 1. Church Sonata - focusing on contrapunctal texture, had four movements: Slow-fast-slow-fast. 2. Chamber Sonata - had minuet song.
Until the middle of Baroque, the meaning of sonata we know happened: there was a definite number of instruments and music movements. Arcangelo Corelli, an Italian musician and composer, developed sonata for three instrument called trio sonata, which was very popular in that time. Also, duo sonata, sonata for two instruments, was also popular too.
An example of Baroque sonata is Violin sonata in G minor by Giuseppe Tartini, known as Devil's Trill Sonata.
Composers who wrote many sonatas are Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. In Romantic period, sonata was still popular until 20th century.

Recommended sonatas
Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 "Pathetique" by Beethoven The second movement is very famous that it is applied in modern music.
Piano Sonata No.14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 2 by Beethoven The very famous Beethoven's sonata, especially the first movement. I'll detail this song later.
Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, K.331(300i in the second Kochel's catalogue) by Mozart The last movement, popularly known as "Turkish Rondo", is often listened and is the one of Mozart's best known piano piece.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556


Hello! This article is about concerto.
Concerto is a musical composition which one (or more) solo instrument(s) accompanied by orchestra.

Kind of concertos
1. Concerto grosso consists of two instrumental groups: orchestra, called tutti and solo instruments. No definite forms but mostly in ritonello form. In this form, orchestra and solo instruments group play alternatively.
2. Solo concerto is the form of concerto we understand. Sometimes it is called classic concerto because it became popular since Classic era. It scores a solo instrument and orchestra. More definite music form and movements.

1. First movement in Sonata form, fast tempo. Most of concertos have solo-part called cadenza. This part orchestra stop, solo instrument plays with his techniques and abilities. No scores written in cadenza in classical concertos in order to make solo instrument play by improvisation. Later concertos have scored cadenza.
2. Second movement Slow Tempo
3. Last Movement
All concertos have three movements because if concertos have four or more movements, the musician and orchestra would be exhausted, also, concertos originally have three movements since Baroque era, which they originated.

History of concertos started form Baroque with "competition" between solo instrument and orchestra. The first kind of concerto, concerto grosso, started in this era. Later in Classic era solo concerto was popular since then. Any instrument can be scored in concerto but piano and violin are mostly scored.

Recommended concertos
The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi - Four concerto grossos, consists of La Primavera (Spring), L 'estate (Summer), L 'autunno (Autumn) and L 'inverno (Winter). Violins are solo group.
Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat major, Op. 73 "Emperor" by Beethoven
Brandenburg Concerto by Bach