Für Elise opening score (Public domain)
The real name of this song is Bagatelle No. 25 (WoO* 59) (Bagatelle is a short piece of music, typically for piano) in A minor. This song is well-known because repeating and easy playing melody. It is applied to many songs such as pop, rock, etc.
The score was not published until 1867, 47 years after Beethoven's death.
Nobody certainly knows that who was "Elise" Beethoven referred to, nor why he wrote this song. Many scholars supposed that the song name is published incorrectly and it may refer to Therese Malfatti, Beethoven's friend and student.
* WoO - Werke ohne Opuszahl (In English: Work without opus number). Used in Beethoven's compositions that were not published with an opus number)